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US Dollar Fuels Death and Destruction All Over the World

In the US, the white-skinned police officers have the license to kill people of black colour and get away with homicide. The so-called human rights bodies and even the UN do not say a word because it is an entirely American internal affair.
In Palestine, Washington has issued the license to the illegitimate Zionist entity and to illegal Jewish migrants from around the world to slaughter the sons of the soil, including toddlers, who despite their infancy and innocence are considered terrorist and therefore should be killed.
This is neither considered genocide nor infanticide. Moreover Usurper Israel has the permission to violate the sanctity of the al-Aqsa Mosque, and frequently bomb Syria and Lebanon, in addition to threats of attacking Iran.
In Ukraine, a non-Semitic Khazar Jew named Volodymyr Zelensky, has the license to destroy the Slavic Ukrainian people, refusing every proposal of peace – the latest being his snubbing of the mediation offer of African leaders.
It is thus obvious the US, as the creator of the macabrely murderous Takfiris who tried but failed to seize Syria and Iraq with sadistic slaughter on a wide scale, relishes wars, destruction, bloodshed, terrorism, and all sorts of crimes against humanity.
The Yankees who are stealing Syrian oil in broad daylight, stoking tensions between mainland China and its breakaway island of Taiwan, stationing a nuclear powered submarine in South Korea to provoke North Korea, blackmailing Iran to force it into some sort of accord on its inalienable right to enrich uranium for peaceful use by illegally freezing scores of billions of dollars of its assets abroad, do not want peace and progress to prevail anywhere in the world.
This satanic strain in the American psyche is the cause of human misery all over the globe, and will end only with the end of US hegemony.
No power lasts forever, and we are already seeing signs of Washington’s decline, and hopefully eventual demise.
World nations have begun to assert their rights and are determined to puncture the inflated might of the US, whether political or industrial.
The myth of the American military might no longer scares anyone, thanks to availability on the international market of all sorts of weaponry manufactured by other countries, better in quality and durability than US armaments.
Now world countries are gearing up to shatter the death blow to Washington’s stranglehold of the dollar, by gradually discarding the US currency from trade transactions.
The move initiated by China, Russia, Iran, and other major countries, such as Brazil and several states of Latin America, which have forced even their trading partners in Western Europe to discard the dollar, has now spread to Africa.
Kenya has announced that it will no longer use the American dollar, and it is only a matter of time for other African states to follow, especially economic giant South Africa in order further weaken the US currency.
Once the dollar is dead, so will die the merchants of death and destruction, whether in Palestine, in Ukraine, and even in the US itself where the racist regimes in the White House have scant regard for the life of Black people.

About خاکسار

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