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Raeisi warns Afghan rulers against violation of water right

President Raeisi has warned the rulers in Afghanistan not to violate the water rights of the Iranians in the southeast country from Hirmand, stressing the government is determined to defend the nation’s rights wherever it is.

Iran’s water right from the Hirmand River is a serious issue, President Raeisi said during his visit to the southeastern region of the country to meet Pakistani Prime Minister, Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, follow up on the implementation of development projects, and inaugurate several new plans.

He further urged the rulers in Afghanistan to let the Iranian experts visit the region to confirm whether there is a shortage of water in the river or not.

Raisi arrived at Konarak Airport in the country’s southeast on Thursday.

Iranian officials have always emphasized the correct implementation of the 1973 Hirmand (Helmand) River Treaty between Iran and Afghanistan.

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