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Top IRGC Commander: Israel’s Move towards Collapse Irreversible

 Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami warned that the Israeli regime would pay a high price for its latest deadly attacks on the Gaza Strip, and stressed that the recent developments in the occupied territories indicate the Zionist regime’s unstoppable move towards downfall.

Maj. Gen. Salami made the remarks in a meeting with Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Palestinian resistance movement Ziad Al-Nakhalah in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Saturday.

“Undoubtedly, the swift response of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance to such a crime proves that a new era has begun for the resistance to take power and the Zionists will pay yet another heavy price for their recent crime,” the IRGC commander said.

Israeli airstrikes on residential areas in the besieged Gaza Strip have resulted in the killing of fifteen people and injuring at least 100 others.

Salami further noted that the power of the Palestinian resistance front has increased compared to the past, adding that given its vast capacities, the resistance has gained the ability to take the control of major wars.

“The course of developments in the occupied Palestinian territories and the waning power of the Zionists, who are on the decline and collapsing, is a road of no return … that ends in the liberation of Al-Quds,” he continued.

“There is every indication that the Zionists are falling apart from within,” the IRGC chief said, adding that “the collapse of Israel may not even need the Palestinian resistance to engage in a war”.

Nakhalah, for his part, said the Islamic Jihad and other resistance groups have made “significant” military gains and are ready to respond to any Israeli attacks.

He further noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s resistance against the United States and the Zionist regime has “increased the morale of the Palestinian fighters.”

The Islamic Jihad leader also emphasized that his fellow fighters will press ahead with resistance, adding that with the cooperation of other Palestinian resistance groups, “We would be able to retaliate any act of aggression by the Zionist regime and respond to it in a timely manner.”

READ MORE: Iranian President Says Israeli Regime’s Decline Accelerating Due to Palestinians’ Resistance

The international community has strongly condemned the latest Israeli air raids in the Gaza Strip, voicing its deep concern over the latest rounds of violence by the Tel Aviv regime against Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave.

Following the assault, the Islamic Jihad fired tensof rockets toward the occupied territories. The movement called the retaliatory barrage only an “initial response” to the Israeli bloodbath, and warned that the Israeli enemy must expect a “non-stop” confrontation.

Last May, Gaza’s resistance groups fired around 4,000 rockets during Operation Sword of Al-Quds after the Tel Aviv regime initiated its last war against the coastal enclave.

About خاکسار

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