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Expert in Middle East: “More than ever new generation of Palestinians demand restoration of lost rights”

“  the young generation of Palestinians, who are perhaps less than two decades old, are more determined to pursue a policy of intimidation, which means that if the Palestinians are not important, the Israelis should not be important either. By doing so, they have plunged the Israeli regime into the midst of a crisis,” said an expert on Middle East issues.

World Al-Quds Day; The common axis of the divine religions

In an interview with Shafaqna Future, Dr. Mosayeb Naeemi, Middle East Affairs expert said: “Undoubtedly, the International Day of Quds at this time and considering the developments of the past forty years has created a new symbol in the region and in the world, and today more than ever, the new generation in Palestine is demanding the restoration of their lost rights, so looking at the International Day of Quds as the common axis of the divine religions indicates originality.

A solution must be found to ensure the rights of the Palestinian people

He added: “Today, the whole world recognizes that a solution must be found to ensure the rights of the Palestinian people; However, the Western supporters of the Israeli regime are always trying to support the country in any way. Therefore, this year, the International Day of Quds, due to the popular movements in the holy Month of Ramadhan in Al-Aqsa Mosque and in confrontation with this regime and the people’s battle being dragged to the West Bank, shows the serious will of the Palestinian people and shows the desire of the Palestinian people to restore their rights.

Especially after some regimes in the Arab world tried to include direct and open contact with Israel as part of their policies. On the other hand, this may indicate that support for the Palestinians has diminished, but today the younger generation of Palestinians, perhaps less than two decades old, are more determined to pursue a policy of intimidation, meaning that if the Palestinians do not matter, the Israelis should not matter too, and by doing so, they have plunged the Israeli regime into the center of the crisis.”

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