Home / Writings & News / 11 Members of Yemeni Family Killed, Injured in Saudi Bombing

11 Members of Yemeni Family Killed, Injured in Saudi Bombing

 Saudi-led coalition warplanes attacked Yemen’s northwestern province of Hajjah, killing or injuring 11 members of a family in the second airstrike against the war-torn country in less than a day.
In the early hours of Monday, an airstrike hit the home of a civilian named Ahmed Mohammad Tamri in the district of Abs in Hajjah, according to Yemen’s al-Masirah television network.
Preliminary reports indicated that one woman was killed in the aerial attack and eight other civilians were injured, the majority of whom children.
Later, a reporter for Al-Masirah said that the number of injured had risen to at least ten, with seven of them being children aged 18 months to 14 years.
The attack was condemned by a senior Yemeni official, who termed it a “war crime.”
Yemen’s Supreme Political Council member Mohammed Ali al-Houthi highlighted that the continuous targeting of Yemenis is “a war crime and deliberate terrorism.”
The airstrike occurred after the Yemeni army stopped a Saudi-led coalition onslaught on Hajjah’s Harad region near the Saudi border on Sunday, while also liberating a mountainous territory from the hands of Riyadh-backed mercenaries.
According to Al-Masirah, the Saudi-led coalition broke 163 ceasefires in Yemen’s western coastal province of Hudaydah on Sunday. Six spy flights and 54 artillery assaults were among the infractions.
The strikes were carried out in violation of the Stockholm Agreement, which was signed in December 2018 after peace talks between Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement and Riyadh-backed mercenaries loyal to Yemen’s fugitive former president Abd Rabbouh Mansur Hadi.
The paper outlined three commitments: a ceasefire along the Hudaydah front and the redeployment of armed forces out of the city and port; a prisoner exchange deal; and a statement of understanding regarding the Yemeni city of Taiz in the south.
Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies – including the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – launched a brutal war against Yemen in March 2015.
The war was launched to eliminate the Ansarullah movement and reinstall Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

About خاکسار

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