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Nasrallah Advises Zionists to Leave Palestine

Hezbollah Building Drones, Precision Missiles

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Wednesday that the Lebanese resistance movement is producing drones and can turn its thousands of rockets into precision-guided missiles.
“I tell the Israelis that their ‘battle between wars’ has turned the threat into an opportunity for the resistance,” Nasrallah said in remarks to remember Hezbollah commanders martyred by the occupying regime of Israel. “We now possess the ability to transform our thousands of missiles into precision-guided missiles.”
Nasrallah warned the Zionist regime that Hezbollah has “started manufacturing drones”.
“We have been producing drones in Lebanon for a long time and whoever wants to buy them, submit an order,” he said.
Nasrallah said, “We encourage the Israelis to leave Palestine and we’re ready to pay for their travel tickets.”
“There is a decline in the Israelis’ will to fight and in their confidence in their army amid an increase in their desire to emigrate,” he said.
“I’m not underestimating Israel, seeing as it still possesses a lot of strength elements, but it is in decline,” he added. “The Israelis know that going to war would be difficult and costly.”
Hezbollah will be 40 years old in a few months. The blood of martyrs has strengthened the path of the resistance, Nasrallah said, citing its commanders Sheikh Ragheb Harb, Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi and Imad Mughniyeh.
Sheikh Ragheb Harb was assassinated by an Israeli agent on February 16, 1984; late Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi was martyred in an Israeli airstrike targeting his convoy on February 16, 1992; and the resistance movement’s top military commander Imad Moghniyeh was martyred in a car bomb attack carried out by Mossad agents on February 12, 2008.
Nasrallah said the motto of this year’s ceremony is “Decision 1982.”
He said Lebanon faced a threat of occupation by the occupying regime of Israel in 1982, but resistance protected the identity of Lebanon.
“In 1982, Lebanon was facing a huge threat and on the brink of falling victim to Israeli hegemony. Resistance factions, including Hezbollah, were the ones who protected Lebanon’s identity. The resistance defended this identity with blood.”
According to Nasrallah, the ideology of resistance in the region began long before the founding of Hezbollah.
He also denounced a few Muslim countries that have normalized relations with the occupying regime of Israel. Nasrallah described Israel a “temporary regime” which is moving toward collapse.
“Some in Lebanon and the region assume that the future belongs to Israel and hence they are normalizing

relations with the regime,” he said.
Nasrallah said the resistance movement has been scoring victories against the Zionist regime since 1985. “We are facing Israel as an entity that has been weakened and is going downward,” he said.
The resistance, he added, is confronting the enemy’s ambitions, protecting Lebanon and supporting Palestine.
Israel is the only regime today that has been described as “apartheid,” Nasrallah said, adding Israeli officials have confessed that they face a struggle to lengthen the entity’s life.
“Resistance groups in the region, including Hezbollah, believe that the Zionist entity is a fugitive entity that’s falling back,” he said.
He also said there is a lack of confidence in the Israeli army and among its generals.
Nasrallah said while he did not intend to underestimate Israel’s power, the occupying regime “is in decline”.
He promised Israeli forces with another operation if they try to attack Hezbollah’s precision missiles project in Lebanon.
Narallah further elaborated on the resistance movement’s role in Lebanon, saying it only exists to defend and protect Lebanon.
“We insist on strengthening and equipping the army and we also insist that the assistance should not come from a single side,” he said.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Nasrallah said Iran has always openly supported the resistance in Lebanon.
He also underlined the importance of holding Lebanon’s elections on time, saying Hezbollah will definitely participate in the polls.
“Those who are accusing us of delaying the Lebanese parliamentary elections seem to be the ones who really want this delay.”

About خاکسار

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