Home / Writings & News / OHCHR Published a Report on the Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Human Rights of the people across the world

OHCHR Published a Report on the Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Human Rights of the people across the world

– On Tuesday (14 Sep 2021), the UN’s Rights Chief expressed concern about the “unprecedented level of surveillance across the globe by state and private actors”, which she insisted was “incompatible” with human rights.  She was speaking at a Council of Europe hearing on the implications stemming from July’s controversy over Pegasus spyware.
The Pegasus revelations were no surprise to many people, Ms. Bachelet told the Council of Europe’s Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, in reference to the widespread use of spyware commercialized by the NSO group, which affected thousands of people in 45 countries across four continents.
The High Commissioner’s call came as her office, OHCHR, published a report that analyses how AI affects people’s right to privacy and other rights, including the rights to health, education, freedom of movement, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and freedom of expression.  The document includes an assessment of profiling, automated decision-making and other machine-learning technologies.
The situation is “dire” said Tim Engelhardt, Human Rights Officer, Rule of Law and Democracy Section, who was speaking at the launch of the report in Geneva on Wednesday. The situation has “not improved over the years but has become worse” he said.
Whilst welcoming “the European Union’s agreement to strengthen the rules on control” and “the growth of international voluntary commitments and accountability mechanisms”, he warned that “we don’t think we will have a solution in the coming year, but the first steps need to be taken now or many people in the world will pay a high price”.
OHCHR Director of Thematic Engagement, Peggy Hicks, added to Mr Engelhardt’s warning, stating “it’s not about the risks in future, but the reality today. Without far-reaching shifts, the harms will multiply with scale and speed and we won’t know the extent of the problem.”
Source: UN News

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