Home / Writings & News / Representative of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Trusteeship of Al-Atabat Al-Aliyat pays great attention to education

Representative of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Trusteeship of Al-Atabat Al-Aliyat pays great attention to education

The representative of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani and the religious trustee of Astan Quds Hussaini said that the reason for constructing universities, schools, kindergartens and family counseling centers, hospitals and other places is to build the Iraqi human personality and train Iraqi forces for the progress and development of this country.
“Hujjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Abdul Mahdi Karbala’i, who spoke today at the inauguration ceremony of the Al-Wares exemplary School in Karbala, said that the purpose of constructing these places is to train Iraqi forces for the development of the country and announced that Astan Quds Hussaini intends to build a complex of primary and secondary schools in the holy city of Karbala and other Iraqi provinces.
Sheikh Karbala’i stated: The main mission of the shrines of the Infallibles (A.S) is to keep their thoughts, manners and morals alive as long as human beings remain on earth, and undoubtedly, science combined with education and wisdom is the basis for keeping the society dynamic and active in order to achieve that divine goal, which is the successor of God Almighty on earth, and we must be prepared in proportion to the greatness and importance of this mission.
He added: “The trustees of Astan Quds Hussaini and other holy shrines have paid a lot of attention to the issue of education because without it we can not achieve the main goal which is to revive their affairs and build a proper society.” Hujjatul-Islam Karbala’i stressed the need for practical commitment to include schools and education as the greatest principle and most important axis in building the personality of students and citizens by building a personality that builds man and society scientifically, culturally, educationally and morally, and said: “This is why we have obliged the schools of Astan Quds Hussaini to integrate between proper university education and the institutionalization of values, ethics and human principles.” In the end, he stressed that Astan Quds Hussaini is working to build schools in the Iraqi provinces.
This news is originally published by Shafaqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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