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Networked Islamophobia in Europe

Right-wing groups and movements in Europe are trying to mobilize their supporters against Muslims using the theory of the Islamization of Europe. In his new book, Networked Islamophobia, Oliver Wäckerlig, a researcher in the field of religions, examines the trans-Atlantic anti-Islamic movements.
According to him, anti-Islamic groups in Europe are trying to launch a large network against Islam and Muslims by spreading the organization, holding various events and using the media, and spreading the fear of Islam throughout Europe.
Publishing house: Transcript publishing house; Edition: 1 (October 31, 2019)
Language: German
ISBN-13: 978-3837649734
Oliver Wäckerlig
The link of the book:
This News was published by Berlin ICRO website and translated by SHAFAQNA English.

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