Home / Writings & News / Bahraini Shia scholars slam Saudi media’s insult to the Grand Ayatollah Sistani

Bahraini Shia scholars slam Saudi media’s insult to the Grand Ayatollah Sistani

ABNA: In a statement, Bahraini clerics condemned the Saudi Arabian media’s insult to leading Shia Scholar the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani.
Bahraini clerics condemned, in a statement issued on Monday, the insult of a Saudi Arabia’s newspaper, Asharq Al-Awsat, against the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, top Iraqi Shia leader. “We strongly condemn the actions of the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper against one of the greatest figures in Iraq and the Islamic Ummah, and a guarantor of the security and pride of the Iraqi government and independence, top Iraqi Shia leader the Grand Ayatollah Sistani,” the statement read.
Meanwhile, Iraqi officials have strongly condemned the publication of an offensive cartoon of prominent Shia Scholar the Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani in a Saudi-owned newspaper, saying the depiction stems from the failure of Riyadh’s Takfiri plots. Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah also condemned the insult. Hundreds of Iraqi people also gathered in front of Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Baghdad on Sunday to voice their strong protest.

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