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Muslims Join Christians In Sanitizing Church In Egypt

The Muslim and Christian youths volunteered to clean and sanitize the building on Saturday, youm7.com website reported. Ali Yunus Ammar, an official with the town’s crisis management committee, hailed the move and said it is part of efforts to promote rapport among the youths at a time of difficulties. Egypt on Saturday lifted many of the restrictions put in place to fight the coronavirus pandemic, reopening mosques and many other places such as gyms, cafes and theaters.
Mosques and churches will not be allowed to hold their weekly main services, when large crowds traditionally gather for worship. The government has also banned Friday prayers at mosques and Sunday Masses at churches, Madbouly said. Health protocols should also be observed and measures such as sanitizing the places of worship and maintaining social distancing is a must. Egypt has so far reported 63,923 coronavirus cases. COVID-19 has killed 2,708 people in the country.

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