Home / Writings & News / Muslims & Christians should unite to counter Israeli threats: Says Lebanese Priest

Muslims & Christians should unite to counter Israeli threats: Says Lebanese Priest

– Antoine Dhoey said in an interview in Beirut that Israel and its western and eastern allies embarked on a propaganda campaign against Iran and Muslims accusing them of threats to the Middle East peace and security. A Lebanese priest said on Saturday that the Zionist regime is a major threat to the region and the Muslims and Christians need to counter the Israeli threats.

Antoine Dhoey said in an interview in Beirut that Israel and its western and eastern allies embarked on a propaganda campaign against Iran and Muslims accusing them of threats to the Middle East peace and security. Reverend Dhoey said that Tel Aviv and its media are attacking Muslims using the false issue and the Christians and Muslims need solidarity to thwart their conspiracy.
Dhoey said that the Christians and the Muslims make up for more than half of the population of the world and they are responsible to create a cultural and political atmosphere for unity for fighting Takfiri and racist ideologies. He said the wave of Takfir and racism is a big threat. The only way is to have peaceful coexistence, in which our forefathers did better. They didn’t just talk; they took actions in that way.
He added that one cultural organization should be established to counter Israel and the Deal of the Century. Weapons are not enough to fight the Zionists. He said the two big Abrahamic religions should expand the culture of dialog to solve the existing issues. He commended Iranian culture, saying that Iran is culturally and historically rich country. “The Zionists want to make people afraid of Iran. I’m a Christian and when I visited Iran, everyone respected me.”

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