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IRGC General Affirms Iran’s Support for Resistance

The weapons used by the resistance forces attest to Iran’s backing for Palestine, Lebanon and other resistance axis members, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said.

comments at a meeting with a group of families of Palestinian people martyred in Gaza, held in Tehran on Monday, General Hajizadeh said Iran has spared no effort to support the resistance forces and will not spare anything in the future either.

“As it is obvious from the weapons of our dear ones in Palestine, Lebanon and elsewhere, it has now become clear that they are in fact being helped and supplied by Iran,” the commander said.

He also highlighted the significance of the retaliatory ‘True Promise Operation’ that the Iranian armed forces carried out against the Israeli military targets on April 14, saying the IRGC is aching to carry out a second such operation, which would involve an unknown number of missiles raining on the Zionist regime.

The commander then hailed the Palestinian forces’ Al-Aqsa Storm operation against the Zionist regime and their resistance against the Israeli onslaught on Gaza, expressing confidence –as an informed and experienced military figure- that Palestine will be the ultimate victor.

“You may rest assured that you will change the course of the world’s history,” he told the families of the Palestinian martyrs, reaffirming Iran’s unwavering support for Palestine.

In a meeting with head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas in Tehran on March 26, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to support the cause of Palestine and the oppressed and resistant people of Gaza.

The Leader also praised the exceptional resistance demonstrated by the Palestinian resistance forces and the people of Gaza, saying, “The historic patience exhibited by the people of Gaza in the face of the crimes and brutalities committed by the Zionist regime, with full support from the West, is a great phenomenon that has truly dignified Islam and despite the enemy’s wishes, it has turned Palestine to the world’s first issue

About خاکسار

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